

An Introduction to Howlite

In 1868, Howlite was discovered by Canadian chemist, mineralogist, and geologist Henry How in Windsor, Nova Scotia. The mineral was creating difficulties for miners in the local gypsum quarry, so they brought it to the attention of How. He named the new mineral silico-boro-calcite, but it was later named Howlite in his honor.

Howlite is commonly found in the form of opaque, irregular white nodules with thin web-like patterns of grey or black. Howlite crystals, being rare, are only found in a few localities worldwide. After its initial discovery, Howlite was also found in the Sierra Pelona Mountains of California, and in Iona, Nova Scotia. The Howlite crystals found in Iona are often colorless, white or brown and can be translucent or transparent.

Howlite is frequently used in its natural state in small carvings or jewelry ornaments, but its porous nature allows it to also be easily dyed to imitate other minerals. A common mineral it is used to imitate is Turquoise because it shares a similar veining pattern. It is sometimes referred to as “white turquoise” or “white buffalo turquoise” since it is used in similar jewelry. Since Howlite has different properties from Turquoise, it is important to verify which one you are purchasing, so that you receive the benefits you want to experience.

 Healing properties and Benefits



  • Increases wisdom, bringing clarity and peace

  • Strengthen memory and the desire to learn


  • Help relieve insomnia

  • Aids in calcium absorption and issues with teeth and bones


  • Helps you let go of negative traits, and strengthens positive traits

  • Calming stone, aids in stress relief


  • Enhances connection to Universal Wisdom

  • Achieving a higher state of consciousness especially in meditation

 Top 3 Alternatives Uses


Connecting with your Highest Self

Meditation is such a powerful healing practice, helping you reduce stress, find inspiration, raise your vibration, and so much more! Amethyst, Clear Quartz, and Howlite make a perfect trio for enhancing your Meditation practice. Together they will increase focus, boost intuition, and create a peaceful environment.

Affirmation: “My mind is clear. I embrace peace. I connect to my Highest Self."


Calm Confidence

When you set your mind and heart on your goal, there is nothing you cannot do.

Ocean Jasper helps you remember this truth and stay focused on your Inner Strength as you calmly and courageously face the challenges and opportunities before you each day.

Howlite connects you with higher wisdom, bringing peace with this new enlightened perspective on life. Together they are a combination for making the most of every day with grace and ease

Affirmation: "I am strong. I am wise. I am at ease."


Divine Wisdom and Peace

Pair Howlite with Amazonite and Moonstone to connect with your highest self and find a deep awareness of protection and abiding experience of tranquility. Together these three soothing gems help you embrace that Divine Peace.

Howlite connects you with Universal Wisdom and enhances your highest qualities and strengths. Amazonite balances energies and calms the mind and emotions. Moonstone protects you on the journey of life and helps you embrace it's natural rhythm and flow.

Affirmation: "I am connected to everything I see. I embrace this truth and the gift of Divine Peace."


Shop Howlite

Crystal Healing Sets
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Wisdom Tumbled Stone | Howlite
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Calm Courage Jasper and Howlite Bar Necklace
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Meditation Crystal Healing Set
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Amethyst and Howlite Perfume Bottle Necklace
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