An Introduction to Moonstone
Moonstone is commonly associated with the moon, hence its name. The visual effect of light shining upon a Moonstone crystal, creates a rare phenomenom known as adularescence. This effect resembles the full moon shining through thin, translucent clouds.
According to several legends, it was believed that moonstone can help you foresee the future and bring you good luck if you held the gemstone in your mouth during a full moon. In Hindu mythology, it was believed that moonstone is made of solidified moonbeams. In other traditions, Moonstone is not recommended for use during a Full Moon because it can make the effects of the moon overwhelming. These are great examples of how tradition must intersect with personal experience when determining what works best for your own crystal practice.
Moonstone is a member of the Feldspar group of minerals, which are identifiable by their aluminum, oxygen and silicon atoms paired with other additives. The addition of Sodium and Potassium makes Moonstone most closely related to other Orthoclase varieties of Feldspar, such as Amazonite. More distant Feldspar relatives include Labradorite and Sunstone. Moonstones come in numerous colors, most common being blue, grey, white, pink, peach, brown and black.
With its lunar influence, it is believed that moonstone is considered an excellent aid for those who suffer from sleep disorders, or just have trouble falling asleep. Moonstone is well known for its gleaming white energy that offers protection, healing, and tranquility. This beautiful gemstone can help guide you to your inner path, while offering protection throughout your life’s journey.
Rainbow Moonstone is actually a combination of Moonstone with Labradorite.
Healing properties and Benefits
Opens the mind to synchronicities and serendipity
Promotes emotional intelligence
Aids in soothing the reproductive system and relieving discomfort
Helps with PMS, conception, pregnancy, breastfeeding and childbirth
Helps to eliminate toxins and absorbs nutrients
Calming Stone, soothing emotions and relieving stress
Aids in re-energizing the mind
Stone of new beginnings
Stone of protection during travel
Zodiac Sign
Crystal Pairings
Obsidian, Opal, Labradorite, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Aquamarine, Fluorite, Sunstone, Citrine, Jasper
Moonstone Varieties
Peach Moonstone
Helps us understand that life is a cycle, and everything has it's perfect timing
Opens the mind to synchronicities and alterative possibilities
Aids in soothing the reproductive system and relieving discomfort
Helps to calm hyperactive children and cases of shock
Calming Stone, soothing emotions and relieving stress
Helps alleviate emotional triggers
Enhances feminine energy
Promotes clairvoyance and enhances intuition
Blue Moonstone
Promotes emotional intelligence and intuition
Helps awaken and stimulate the spiritual self
Promotes inner peace, calmness, and tranquility
Helps to overcome old fears and habits
Boosts confidence and courage to move forward
Promotes restful sleep and peaceful dreams
White Moonstone
Helps embrace new beginnings
Helps to calm and clear the mind
Aids with insomnia and sleepwalking
Supports digestive absorption and detoxification
Balances and soothes emotions
Aids in stress relief
Stone of travelers, protection for the journey
Believed to hold the full energy of the Moon
Grey Moonstone
Aligns with the energy of the New Moon
Helps you see beyond the present reality
Helps you to set powerful intentions and manifest your goals
Like all Moonstones, also Protects and Calms
Can be used in New Moon Intention Setting Ceremonies
Black Moonstone
• Enhances feminine energy and alluring mystery
• Connects with intuition and inner knowing, for deeper connections with emotions
• Helps open up emotional blockages and facilitates guided healing from past traumas
• Connects to and balances sacral and root chakras
• Aids in "feeling" and understanding through intuition and emotional insights, going beyond intellectual reasoning
Rainbow Moonstone
Not really a Moonstone, although still a member of the Feldspar family. A better name is White Labradorite
Like Blue Moonstone, contains Blue “flash,” but can also feature other colors such as orange yellow, purple, and green.
Black speckles are inclusions of Black Tourmaline
Helps to calm the mind from overreaction to situations
Reminds us that everything is always changing
Stabilizes the hormonal system and fluid imbalances
Assists you during times of transformation, and change
Draws out old emotional patterns
Enhances psychic abilities
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