An Introduction to Calcite
Calcite is a large group of calcium carbonate minerals. All calcites are soft and delicate (3 on the Mohs hardness scale), making them easily to scratch or to accidentally separate smaller chunks from a larger stone.
Calcite is the principal mineral in limestone and marble. This means you’ve seen it on countertops. More romantically, calcite is also the mineral that make caves so magical. Rainwater seeps through cracks in limestone, and through a series of chemical reactions, calcite-rich water then drips from the roof of the cave, depositing the calcite into hanging columns of stalactites and sometimes carrying calcite to the cave floor, creating the growing towers of stalagmites.
Calcites are found on every continent and in a wide variety of colors, making them, like Quartz, a preferred gem family for chakra healing. With red, orange, yellow, green, pink, blue, and white you can cover nearly every major chakra.
Healing Properties and Benefits of Blue Calcite
Increases memory and combats laziness
Connects intellect with emotions
Calms the mind to help with discernment, analysis and insights
Speeds up development and growth
Strengthens bones and joints
Stimulates tissue healing and boosts immunity
Alleviates emotional stress
Promotes feelings of stability and peace
Enhances trust in oneself and one’s abilities
Powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy
Removes negative energy your environment
Removes stagnant energy from the body
Enhances psychic abilities, higher awareness and balances the chakra
Throat Chakra
Crystal Pairings
Angelite, Moonstone, Blue Apatite, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, All colors of Calcite, Clear Quartz, Fluorite
Other Popular Calcites
Green Calcite
Cleanses the Heart Chakra
Encourages Self-discovery
Draws in Love and Abundance
Encourages peaceful emotions
Orange Calcite
Cleanses and energizes the Sacral Chakra
Increases flow of positive energy into the body so that negative energy can be expelled
Balanced emotions, removes fear and overcomes depression
Pink Calcite
• Soothes and Heals Heart Chakra
• Supports release of painful emotional memories and traumas
• Increases Self Love and Compassion for Self and Others
Golden Calcite
More yellow or amber toned than Orange Calcite
Cleanses and energizes the Solar Plexus
Boosts mood and energy Levels
Attracts good luck and properity
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