

An Introduction to Emerald

Emerald is a vibrant green form of Beryl, which means it is related to both Aquamarine and Morganite. Its beautiful coloring comes from chromium, vanadium, and iron within the Beryl.

This May Birthstone has been prized for centuries, from Ancient Egypt, to South America, where they became the envy of the Spanish conquistadors upon discovering the beautiful jewelry worn by the the leaders of native communities.

The vibrant green hue aligns Emerald with the heart chakra, romance, honesty, loyalty and fertility. It pairs well with other heart chakra and love crystals, as well as those for increasing abundance and communicating clearly and honestly.


 Healing properties and Benefits



  • Promotes, wisdom, truth, honesty, and eloquence of expression

  • Promotes patience and inspiration


  • Aids in the recovery of infectious diseases

  • Improves vision

  • Helps to detoxify the liver


  • Stone of Loyalty, Love and Friendship, enhances unity and unconditional love

  • Help you see and celebrate your current triumphs

  • Heals negative emotions


  • Inspires a deep inner knowing

  • Raises consciousness enhancing psychic abilities and clairvoyance

  • Healing for the Heart and Throat Chakras


Heart, Throat

Crystal Pairings

Garnet, Rose Quartz, Peach Moonstone, Citrine, Carnelian, Jade, Tiger eye, Sunstone, Smoky Quartz

 Alternative uses


Faith, Hope, and Love

Faith, Hope, and Love are a truly powerful trio. Hope for a brighter future. Faith in the Universe and in yourself. Love for yourself and for others. When all three of these are flowing, life is a joy!

Pair Emerald with Garnet, Rose Quartz, and Peach Moonstone, to enhance your determination, faith in your intuition, and faith in those around you. The perfect combination for creating a wonderful life full of love!

Affirmation: “Each day I begin with Faith, Hope, and Love. I step forward with trust, and I am rewarded with a life I love!”


Good Fortune

Pair Emerald with Jade, Citrine, Tiger Eye, and Carnelian to open the doors to good fortune.

Jade is a long-term partner for your life. It helps you see with wisdom and take action on your goals in a way that brings you years of success. Citrine attracts financial abundance. Carnelian gets you motivated, and Tiger Eye helps you stick to your goals. Emerald brings you wisdom to use your abundance wisely.

Affirmation: "I am a magnet for Love, Joy, and Abundance. I work with the energy of the Universe to turn my dreams into reality!"



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