

An Introduction to Rhodonite

Rhodonite inherited it’s name from the Greek word ‘Rhodon’, meaning Rosy. The signature black veining, found throughout this rose-tinted crystal, are derived from manganese, calcium, and iron. This gives the stone a somewhat similar appearance to pink marble, whose darker color variations can also derive from calcium and iron. Rhodonite appears in various levels of clarity, from fully translucent to semi-opaque, taking on pale pink hues, to a darker reddish-pink and brown hues.

Rhodonite was initially discovered within the Ural Mountains of Russia in the late 1700’s, where the locals had nicknamed it “the Eagle Stone,” because Eagles often swooped down and carried the stones back to their nests. Soon, it became a tradition for the locals to place bits of Rhodonite crystals within their babies’ cradles. This precious rosy stone was also valued by Russian royalty, among whom it was often given as a traditional wedding gift for royal newlyweds.

It is no surprise that Rhodonite brings major Heart Power. This shimmering pink and black gemstone combines heart chakra and root chakra energy for powerful healing of emotional wounds and traumas. Plus it helps you make room for more love to flow in. Carry it with you as a symbol and support for your healing journey, as well as a reminder that beautiful days are ahead.


 Healing properties and Benefits 



  • Allows one to see room for improvement without being overly self critical

  • Balances mental energy, builds confidence and removes confusion


  • Brings strength and vitality to the body

  • Aids in wound healing and helps to reduce scarring


  • Helps to balance the emotions and calm impatience

  • Provides support and calming for moments of anxiety or panic

  • Clears away old emotional wounds and makes room for new love


  • Heals and balances Heart Chakra to attract love

  • Heals and balances Root Chakra, grounds negative energies

  • Brings strength and vitality to the body and spirit so they can support higher vibrations needed for personal evolution

Top 3 Alternative uses


Express Love

Pair Rhodonite, Rose Quartz and Amazonite. Whether you’re looking for a deep friendship, a life partner, or working on self love, this crystal trio will create the perfect energy to support, encourage, and enhance that process.

Rose Quartz opens the heart, Rhodonite heals old wounds, and Amazonite balances emotions. Now all you have to do it just go forth and be loved!

Affirmation: “I will express love freely and without fear. I open myself to the possibility of long lasting and supportive love.”


Enhance Manifestation

Chrysocolla is a stone of manifestation, helping you draw your dreams out of your future and into your present. Pair with Rhodonite for heart healing and support, and you've got the perfect combination for Manifesting your Heart's desires!

Affirmation: “I embrace the flow of Abundance. I Manifest with Joy. I live in Love.”


Believe in Love

Rhodonite brings major Heart Power! This shimmering pink and black gemstone is a powerful healer of emotions and heart chakra wounds. Plus it helps you make room for more love to flow in.

Pair with Howlite to bring Wisdom, Rose Quartz to add love, and Magnetic Hematite to boost confidence. Together these crystals help you believe that you truly can change the world, one day at a time!

Affirmation: "I believe in the power of Love to heal the world."


 Shop Rhodonite

Rhodonite Freeform Display Specimens | Emotional Healing
Sale Price: $24.99 Original Price: $30.00


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