SULFUR: How it Works in the Body + How to Detox
Today’s video is all about the not so glamorous, but oh so important Sulphur. Learn about Sulphur’s roll within your body, plus what benefits you can expect to see with consistent supplementation.
Notes to help you follow along with all this important info:
A few ways Sulfur works within the body:
Proper structure and function of proteins and enzymes
Essential Component of Carotin (protein in skin, hair, and nails
Connective tissue and cartilage are bonded with sulfur (flexibility, suppleness of skin)
Essential Component of Glutathione (one of the most important antioxidants)
Benefits of Sulfur Supplementation:
Find my favorite Sulfur supplement right here.
Reduce inflammation and pain
Control Allergy symptoms
Reduce inflammation and pain
Control Allergy symptoms
Regulate Insulin and blood pressure
Detoxify your body by connecting to toxins and making them benign as your body flushes them out of your system
Protects intestinal wall so that parasites and yeast can’t attach
Adding Sulfur to your diet:
Humanely Raised pastured meat and fish
Organic pastured eggs, coconut oil, olive oil, most of the cruciferous vegetables
Epsom salt bath - body absorbs sulfur through your skin
Take a supplement, such as Sulfurzyme